Canning Sour Cherries
  • for one pint / 500 ml/ 16 oz jar, you will need about 17 to 20 ounces / 500 to 600 grams of cherries and 3 tablespoons of sugar. That’s it.
  • I canned three jars of sour cherries, so I used 60 ounces / 1800 grams of cherries and 9 tablespoons of sugar.
  • large heavy bottomed pan that is deep and wide enough to put in three or four jars comfortably
  • few glass jars
  • metal screw-top lids
  • few older kitchen towels
  • spoons and ladles
  • canning tongs or hot mitt
  1. When buying cherries, pick fully ripe fruits to ensure full flavor and can them fresh, or within 48 hours if kept in freezer, because they start to mold very quickly.
  2. Take your tasty cherries, pull the stems off and remove all damaged and moldy fruits. Place them in cold water. Let them sit for good 30 minutes. This step is necessary, because of the worms – if there are any in your cherries, they will come out.
  3. In the meantime, take your jars and wash them thoroughly in hot water. Check the lids – they have to be in impeccable state, put them in a smaller pot, pour boiling water over it and let them sit for a few minutes, then put them out to dry.
  4. Take the cherries out of the water into another bowl and wash them one more time to ensure that all residues are gone.
  5. Put them in a sieve and from the sieve place them in jars, press them gently down – the fruits should not touch the lid when closed.
  6. Put sugar on top and carefully fill the jar with fresh, cold water, but not fully to the top – leave a bit of empty space between water and the lid.
  7. Firmly close the jars with lids.
  8. Take your pot, put it on a stove, spread two kitchen towels on the bottom of a pot and then carefully put the jars in, making sure that they are standing right and that they do not touch each other or the pot!
  9. Fill the pot with cold water, set the stove on low and bring it to a boil (this step usually takes about 40 to 50 minutes).
  10. Let it boil gently for 10 minutes, then turn the stove off.
  11. Take a ladle and put some water out, so you can safely hold the jar’s top and take all of the jars out on a towel. Leave them to cool.
  12. Check if the lids are ok, decorate the jars with some papers and strings and store them in your pantry for months to come.
Recipe by JasminCookBook at